An Independent Insurance Agency, established in 1968 by Walter and Terry Coady, Walterry Insurance Brokers is a full-service independent insurance broker located in Clinton, Maryland, a suburb of Washington DC.
In 1978 Walterry Insurance Brokers designed a newspaper libel policy. The National Newspaper Association was the first to use this product. Soon after, twenty-eight state and/or regional newspaper associations followed with their support.
Walterry Insurance Brokers designed and wrote one of the first true occurrence-based media liability policies for Film and Television Producers. Walterry also worked with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Public Broadcasting Service and National Public Radio to design a policy to protect Public Broadcasting Station. Walterry then established a Public Broadcasting Purchasing Group.
We are a General Managing Agent for the AXIS Capital Insurance Companies. We are recognized as one of the largest providers of insurance to newspapers, broadcasters, film and TV producers in the media liability insurance market. Walterry Insurance Brokers underwrites and issues all policies in a paperless environment.
Located in the Washington, D.C. Metro area, Walterry Insurance Brokers has established insurance programs for nonprofit trade associations. Our knowledge of the Professional Liability market has allows us to establish a substantial book of business for these trade association nonprofits. Policies provided to this industry include policies such as Directors and Officers, Errors and Omissions, Crime, Event Cancellation, General Liability and Property coverage.
Representing over twenty insurance companies, we are licensed with the insurance commissioners of all 50 states. Walterry Insurance Brokers maintains a traditional full service independent insurance brokerage for Commercial and Personal insurance clients in the Washington, D.C. Metro area, including life and health.
Walterry Insurance Brokers uses state-of-the-art computer systems in a paperless environment. Employees, not computers, answer our phones. Give us a call today, (301) 868-7200.